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Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011

The Future of PC Monitors - part 2

Bright Future Ahead

A new & upcoming technology that is making its transition from high-end HDTVs to PC monitors is the use of LED (light-emitting diode) backlighting in LCD monitors. Most LCD monitors use CCFL (chilled cathode fluorescent lamps) in their backlight, which although adequate for illuminating the screen, cannot be exactly & individually controlled like LEDs. What this means is that PC monitors with LED backlighting have a contrast advantage, as specific LEDs can be dimmed in darker areas of a scene whilst others can be illuminated even more in bright areas. Some manufacturers are also experimenting with colored LED backlighting (i.e. red, green & blue than white) to further increase the color gamut of the monitor; but some think that the variable degradation of these LEDs over time will lead to bleaching or over/under saturation of colors.

As with the first generation of 120Hz 3D monitors, LED backlighting is definitely an technology in require of some refinement as it matures. Although color reproduction & contrast in LED-backlit PC monitors is excellent, in point of fact the differences are not immense compared to new & comparable CCFL-backlit PC monitors. They do consume less power & are thinner & lighter than their CCFL-backlit cousins, however, which is definitely a bonus. They expect the LED backlighting technology to evolve & for the changes to become more significant & upgrade-worthy over time & PC Monitors will of coursework follow this technological trend in the future.

Note: LED backlighting currently involves strips of white LEDs (known as edge-lit) & brings some efficiency & environmental benefits without altering the picture. As they have explored there is alternative implementations that may gain ground in the near future.

Touchscreen Monitors

On October 22nd 2009, Microsoft launched the Windows 7 operating method & embraced a used technology already made popular by the likes of smartphones & MP3 players. By offering touch screen support with recognition of multiple finger gestures (multi-touch), Microsoft opened the door for users & offered them a novel way to interact with their PCs. A flurry of touch-screen PC monitors followed the launch of Windows 7, but of coursework the technology is far from ideal. The most obvious issue with a touch screen display is that you are touching it; so it gets greasy & grubby to such an extent that cleaning becomes a frequent necessity. It seems, however, that to keep the product at a reasonable size & price-point, that the technology inside the touch-screen monitor resembles that of a basic TFT monitor, with the touch-screen being the main feature. So don't expect amazing contrast ratios & amazing dancing colors dashing vibrantly across the screen at least, not today.

To be continued, subscribe okay???

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