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Rabu, 27 April 2011

Choosing Your HDD

How to Buy Hard Disk Drive (HDD) For Your PC.

Hard Disk Drive (HDD) is of part on Personal Computer (PC). HDD is used to store your information, so you can load the information every time you require it. Most people only know about space or size & the brand of HDD. They are usually not interested to know anything else about that HDD. They are naturally buying a hard disk base on their space capacity, because it is used for it.

Ok, I have tips about how to buy a hard disk drive. Here they are:

Tip One.
The capacity of the harddisk.

Pick the space capacity of HDD that you require to buy. Nowadays, the capacity is bigger & bigger. You can get it with cheaper cost than before. So you can pick a HDD with space capacity at least 320 GB. With that capacity, you can store lots of file on it.

Tip Two.
The speed of the HDD or disk RPM

HDD consists of lots of tiny disc on it. They are rotate with a kind a value that determined by the manufacturer. Standard speed is 7200 RPM but now you can discover a harddisk with0.000 RPM. The fast of speed will pick how fast they can read & write the information. So in the event that they are have faster speed, it can be positive that they are faster to read & write the information. But you require knowing also that with higher speed, it produce more heat on HDD. So you require attending the vent on PC casing.

Tip Three.
Buffer Memory

Before knowledge on HDD send to main memory to method, they will always go to buffer memory first ( like RAM). This way can reduce the knowledge queue up on HDD. The higher value of buffer capacity means better or faster knowledge read & write on HDD.

Tip Four.
The connection of the hardisc.

There is type of connection, which is Parallel ATA (PATA), Serial ATA (SATA) & SCSI. (Ignore SCSI type). I prefer to pick SATA connection than PATA. Because transfer capacity SATA HDD faster than PATA HDD. (150MB per second). SATA hard disc also have more little cable connection (rounded cable), so it is not cover the air flow in the casing. Beside, SATA HDD has bigger space capacity than PATA HDD. (Today SATA HDD is available till Tera Byte capacity).
You can find the capacity, speed, buffer memory & type connection on HDD label. So you can read it first before you pick to buy a Hard Disk Drive (HDD).

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