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Sabtu, 30 April 2011

Smell Features of Computer Hardware

Imagine computer hardware that put out a smell while you watched DVD, online film, music video, or played a video game? All that is now feasible & it is on its way as they speak, perhaps hitting the shelves by 2012 for those personal tech leading edge early adopters. Who knows possibly you are, & this is intriguing to you. Well then, let's speak about this new expertise as well as various its implications.

There was an fascinating editorial recently in PC World in the Geek Tech section titled; "Smell-O-Vision Wafts Closer With New Research Project" by Elizabeth Fish published on June0, 2011. The editorial said;

"Forget 3D HDTV; here comes smell-o-vision! Possibly. Researchers from the UCSD & Samsung's (SAIT) have developed a smell-o-vision idea gizmo, which could add another aspect of realism to what you watch on TV. In a proof of idea paper, researchers showed it is feasible for,000s of smells using a 'compact device' that attached to the back of a screen or built in to a mobile phone. The team built the gizmo in such a way that keeps costs & circuitry down to produce around0,000 scents."

That is fascinating is not it? Yes, it is & recently I was six times time discussing all this with a fellow think tanker, Troy LaClaire, & I laughed & said; all right, but then you'd require special smell-neutralizing kits to de-smell your house each month. They agreed & suggested that they invest in a home smell air-cleaning method & get on board for the great wave in a brand new industry? Well, that makes sense, may as well hedge your bet, & make even additional money that is comic.

Troy had suggested that the method would must make use of smells that would dissipate quickly, & possibly include an "air neutralizer" cartridge that would work in tandem, that way you could clear out smells, so that they don't overlap much. Yes, that is a great point, & yes that is a immense issue with chemicals accumulating, & then there is the whole issue with the human immune method & smells, & accumulated combining chemicals.

Troy mentioned another challenge which could cause lawsuits for a computer hardware smell method, namely that there would be the chance of the units causing seizure, as some can be set off by specific smells so you do not require it to be something that might cause a seizure, while on the flip side some are preceded by specific smell 'auras' - so you do not require to freak anyone out.

Yes, this is a actual issue, it is something that must be thought about, there is folks that have Actual Issues with this. Perhaps there could be a list of scents could block-out, kind of like not accepting peanuts on an airliner in the event you are allergic. It appears there is still a few bugs to work out on this expertise, but it will be our future. think about all this.

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