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Minggu, 17 April 2011

The Wonders of Reboot

Working in Information Technology, you tend to get plenty of calls saying my computer froze up, or my card reader quit working, & my normal first response, is "Have you tried rebooting?" Think it or not, there is an excellent reason for us folks in IT, to ask about this!
Nearly every tool or computer peripheral tool out there has RAM. Random Access Memory has the capacity to store information on it, as long as it can have continuous power. Unlike other storage devices such as hard disks, thumb drives or flash memory, when they lose power, they also lose all information that was stored within them. With that being said, in case you "Reboot" your tool or computer, you clear out this memory, & over likely clear out what the issue was that you were having. 95% of all computer issues are solved by fundamentally rebooting. When you reboot a computer, plenty of things happen in the background that is not seen. Most computers or devices will run what is called a POST (Power on Self Check). This is a set of diagnostics that run by default, to be positive that the tool or computer is functioning properly for use. If there is an issue, it is feasible that it will be realized in the coursework of the POST. By the time the computer gets past the POST, it would then start loading the operating technique.
The operating system, like post, does plenty of things when the computer starts up, including assigning networking information including your IP address, DNS servers & gateway. It will also load all of your needed tool drivers, windows registry. It would be at this time that Windows is also jogging plenty of its own tests. Plenty of times, users will get what is called the Blue Screen of Death. This screen is normally a dark blue screen with white text that will give an IT professional some information regarding what is happening with the computer. It is feasible that this information may not have been realized without the reboot of the computer. Now that the IT professional has can see the error they can be working on the issue, to be positive that it is corrected. Plenty of times the issue tends to be a bad driver, & time they can replace this, they will time again reboot the computer, & the same tests will be run, hopefully leading to a successful reboot, & login procedure.
Rebooting can save you tons of time & hassles. In case you are having issues, reboot, & there is an excellent chance it will fix the issue!

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