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Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

Dead Pixel

Take a pleasant look at your laptop computer screen. Do you find some small dark spots? You could have dead pixels. Of the costliest parts of your laptop computer is the LCD screen.

LCD's are highly sensitive and any amount of pressure, touching or handling may destroy it. As such, dead pixels are not an unusual thing. Apparently, some degree of dead pixels is to be expected. Still in the event you have plenty of them, it would be classified as a defective screen. So, how do you pick in the event you have dead pixels?

Before they go there, make positive it is not dust. Tidy your screen first. The best way to do that is to make use of a soft cotton cloth - no rags or paper towel as they can scratch your screen fundamentally. Dampen the cloth with plain elderly water and wipe the screen gently.

Side note: I have also tried maintaining my screen dust free with a Swiffer Duster. These are cheap, soft and they pick up the dirt not re-distribute it. It is worked well. Of coursework, this won't take care of smudges or dried on dirt. So you'll still must make use of the cotton cloth and water combo sometimes.

Once you have cleaned it, you can run a quick check with a free program called Dead Pixel Buddy. It is fundamentally a simple file that will rotate your screen through all the basic colors. This way you can tell if a pixel on your screen is not displaying properly. Tip, you may need to receive a help of a mate. Sets of eyes are better than since pixels tend to be small.

You can also do a low tech way by changing your desktop's background color to black, white, red, green blue and yellow, checking the screen each time you fine-tune the colors. This is of coursework not fool proof in the event you have tons of icons on your desktop but it is a pleasant 'backup' check in the event you don't have Web access to download the file or irrespective of the case may be.

In the event you do find dead pixels, don't panic yet, as mentioned earlier, a small amount of dead pixels could be inevitable but in the event you have plenty of them and your laptop computer is still under warranty, this might be a pleasant time to call up the manufacturer and ask for assistance.

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