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Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

Network Topology

An efficient network cabling process is of the most essential parts of any enterprise & needed utmost to share files & other valuable knowledge by web. In giant business firms where there is several departments, numerous computers & giant files to share; a smooth, fast & secure networking process is a necessity. Thus installation of effective network topologies process is necessary to fulfill the general communication require of today`s business.

The term network topology defines the physical layout of the cabling network that is the positioning of the computer systems & how the service cable is run between them. Fundamentally the installation of cabling is completed on the basis of topology process, BUS, STAR, RING & MESH. Since each of these has its own merits & demerits, choice of appropriate networking is important. Things that ought to be keep in mind while installing a computer network are performance of the process, number of nodes, reliability & geographical distribution of the process.

Among the above the bus topology is simple to make use of & install. The process requires least amount of network cabling to connect the computers together. It is less costly & simple to extend, allowing more computers to join the network. But the giant drawback with such cabling structure is the whole set up gets slow down due to heavy network traffic. Troubleshooting is also difficult in case of cable malfunction or wiring gets break down.

The major benefit of star topology process is that it is simple to adjust & new computers get fundamentally added without disturbing the network. Moreover any of the troubleshooting or maintenance can be completed from the middle of the star network. Hence the single computer failure does not bring down the whole star network. But the major disadvantage with this process is the whole network break down as soon as central monitoring device fails. Since installation of star networking requires more cable, so the whole process is dear.

Like bus & star, ring topology is also simple to set up, except in this each computer node have equal accessibility, allowing knowledge & files to get transferred at a high-speed. But like bus, in ring, the failure of computer affects the whole network & it is difficult to troubleshoot.

In mesh topology computer devices are connected with lots of redundant interconnections between network nodes. In a complete mesh networking every PC node has a connection to every other node in the cabling. Thus, the failure of a computer node does not affect the whole network & hence the issue can fundamentally be sort out.

A proper high speed cable structure is the backbone of any organization & play a key role in establishing a personalize communication process. With effective network topologies format companies can have fast & safe knowledge transfer facility which ultimately leads to increase in business productivity.

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