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Senin, 02 Mei 2011

Server Types

In the client/server architecture, the back-end server manages the data resource; it stores, retrieves, & protects data. The server reviews the data requests &, if necessary, generates & sends data requests for other servers. The idea of server developed as organizations needed to share pricey peripherals, such as laser printers, CD-ROM readers, & FAX machines.

The categories of servers are:

. File Server

. Application Server
. Data Server

. Compute Server

. Database Server

File Server:

File servers manage a work group's applications & data files, so that they may be shared by the group. They pull immense amounts of data off their storage subsystems & pass the data over the network. When data from the file is requested, a file server transmits all records of a file & whole index to the client. The client either selects records (based on query criteria) as they are received or lots the whole file & its index in to memory, then reviews it. File servers need lots of slots for network connections & a large-capacity, fast hard disk subsystem.

Application Server:

An application server is a machine that serves as a host replacement. When applications are downsized from a host, option is to put in the applications on a smaller machine that runs the same application & hook all the users to the new box. This technique requires no modifications to the host-based application. For client/server applications that are classified as host-based, the host is the server to the GUI-based clients.

Data Server:

A data server is data-oriented & used only for data storage & management. A data server is used together with a compute server & may be used by over compute server. A data server does not perform any application logic processing. The processing completed on a data server is rule-based procedures, such as data validation, necessary as part of the data management function.

Compute Server

It passes client requests for data to a data server & forwards the results of those requests to clients. Compute servers may perform application logic on the results of the data requests before forwarding data to the client. Compute servers need processors with high performance capabilities & immense amounts of memory but comparatively low disk-subsystem capacity & throughput.

Database Server:

This is the most typical use of server expertise in client/server applications. Most, if not all, of the application is run on the client. The database server accepts requests for data, retrieves the data from its database, & passes the results of the request back to the client. Compute server s working with data servers provide the same functionality.

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