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Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011

Blu-Ray for The New Era

Blue-ray is next generation computer storage know-how that is often known as Blue-ray Disk (BD). In the event that they speak about its creation, it was jointly created by leading companies in the field of computers, electronics & media that was formed the Blue-ray Disk Association (BDA). Hitachi, Dell, HP, Samsung Electronics, Apple, Sun Microsystems, Walt Disney Pics & Warner Bros. Entertainment are few companies of this association. The name 'Blue-ray' has derived from its use of blue laser for read & writes operation.

Currently, lots of people are confused that for which format to go-Blu-ray or HD-DVD. Usually, most of the public don't know strengths, weaknesses & unique market points of this new know-how. In case you are also of them, then I am positive that this article will help you a lot.

Forget the DVDs, otherwise you may find yourself far away from high quality audio & video & know-how of high storage capacity optical disk. There are major reasons for replacement of DVDs with BDs. First, the high storage capacity of BD which is 45-50 GB, it is much higher than the capacity of DVD (10GB). You would compare a calculator to PC. Both perform same operations of arithmetic & computation but PC can perform it much faster than calculator. In the same way, BD & DVD perform same tasks but Blu-ray can perform operations in better way.

The increasing popularity of HDTVs is the second reason. HDTV requires 1080p of resolution but DVD can provide only 480p of resolution. So, for best picture quality you need to switch to latest know-how & have BD & BD player.

Also you are not necessary to worry about your immense collection of DVDs as blue-ray player can lay your DVDs. Thus you are free from the headache of translating your DVDs to BD version.

This know-how is emerging in to media industry at high level. The film makers have adopted this know-how & applied it as a standard know-how for production. Some other useful makes use of blue-ray are in medical diagnostics, where it is used to get high definition results & quality for equipment’s such as Brain Scan. It is been also used in micro-projectors & other scanning equipment’s used in environmental monitoring.

Now you have a better understanding of what BD is to enable you to make a better & smart decision when you ultimately pick which format to upgrade to.

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